Status Card Tax Exemption BC
Status Card tax exemptions in BC are for motor fuel and carbon taxes, tobacco taxes, provincial sales taxes (PST), and Goods and Services taxes (GST) when First Nations purchase fuel, tobacco, and goods on-reserve. Retailers in BC receive refunds on fuel and tobacco taxes.
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Tax Exemptions for First Nations in BC

Provided that First Nations retailers meet these requirements, they may sell tobacco tax exempt products:
- Be located on-reserve
- Have a valid exempt sale retail dealer (ESRD)permit
- Purchase tobacco products from a registered wholesale dealer
- Only sell to eligible individuals and record sales as necessary
- Provide reports of tax-exempt sales to the province
Due to record-keeping standards, the province of British Columbia provides unique signature sheets for tax exempt tobacco sales. The Schedule of Exempt Tobacco Sales (FIN 361) must be requested by the retailers selling tax exempt tobacco. Retailers can email the province at or call the toll-free number 1-877-388-4440.

Provided that First Nations retailers meet the following requirements, they may sell motor and carbon tax exempt fuel products:
- Be located on-reserve
- Have a valid exempt fuel retailer (EFR) permit
- Only sell to eligible individuals and record sales as necessary
- Provide reports of tax exempt fuel sales to the province
In order to receive the appropriate tax refunds, retailers must keep a record of every tax exempt transaction. The Schedule of Sales of Tax-Exempt Fuels to First Nations form must be filled out. This form should be submitted to the provincial tax agency on a monthly basis along with the Tax Return – Exempt Fuel Retailer form. More information on the BC fuel tax refund procedure can be found here.
Electronic Status Card Tax Exemption Benefits
Save Time
Reduce the time you spend doing exemption paperwork. over an 1 hour on paperwork every day. An electronic tax exemption solution can undoubtedly help cut down on the hours of manual paperwork needed.
Combine Functions
Improve your operations and throughput significantly. Since using a POS-based native tax exemption system means compiling all functions into one, retailers get more accurate data. From litre readings to tax calculations, you'll be able to control it all.
Comprehensive Reports
Make your end of day is easier with comprehensive reports. Exemption documentation coupled with powerful inventory and sales reports means retailers can access all their paperwork at a single point. As a result, processes and audits will become a breeze.
Reduce Variance
Get peace of mind that you're getting your full tax refund every time. In other words, reduce the variance between what you claim and what you receive. For instance, losing a single tobacco exemption sheet can cost you a minimum of $182. Using an electronic system means you always have a copy.
Indian Status Tax Exemptions 101
Take a look at our comprehensive guide on each provincial tax exemption system. Each province operates under a different system with different requirements. Learn more about the regulations and requirements in British Columbia today.

Interested in upgrading to electronic exemptions?
Take a look at our point of sale system for electronic status card tax exemptions.
Cut your paperwork down by over 8 hours a week by switching to iPOS for ITE