Wiz-Tec announces "full-speed ahead!" on Waste Management Products and Technologies Development!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wiz-Tec Computing Technologies Inc. is pleased to announce the implementation of our Waste Management software on behalf of the Athabasca Waste Management Services Commission. We'd like to thank them for the opportunity to once again deploy our ground-breaking solutions, and to announce to all that Wiz-Tec is moving forward with a continued pledge to develop even more significant products and services for the Waste Management community at large.

Wiz-Tec sees a need, and the industry has told us there is one; a need for a homogenous, easy to use, flexible, and accountable system of landfill operator software, and that is exactly what we are delivering.

Our software is born of decades of experience of moving people in and out of line-ups, reliable data reporting, and accuracy and accountability like the industry to date has never seen. We firmly believe that as the level of accountability and the need for secure profitability increase, our solutions will be more and more in demand from the Waste Management Sector. If its stationary, or mobile, we have a solution.

A solution mind you, that isn't going to mean an increase in levies or taxes for a community to pay for, and robust enough that your community or company is only spending once, not over and over as you identify more needs.

Economical, robust, secure... those words describe what we do better than most, but even they fall short of what we can do for you or your community!

Wiz-Tec Announces Appointment of New President

Friday, July 22, 2011

Please be advised that effective August 1st, 2011, William C. Macdonell, past Vice President of Operations and Corporate Development for Wiz-Tec Computing Technologies Inc. has assumed the position of President and General Manager.

Jim Wang, majority owner of Wiz-Tec Computing Technologies Inc. and its previous President, has stepped aside in order to concentrate more on product development and marketing projects. While still involved with Wiz-Tec, Jim assumes the CEO position, as well as CFO and CTO.

William is committed to the growth of Wiz-Tec, and the expansion of its service and support network, as well as its sales and marketing efforts for the new products being brought on line.

"We are going in a very exciting direction, and I'm very honoured that Jim Wang has decided to place his trust in my judgment as we grow the company up and outwards to reach new heights in our sales objectives, and increased levels of customer service and support. Wiz-Tec has all the ingredients to become one of the giants in this industry, and it's my intention to take us there by continuing to follow the path laid down for us by its founder and owner, Jim Wang".

William Macdonell has been with Wiz-Tec in the capacity of Vice-President of Operations for 3 years, and started with Wiz-Tec as its Sales Manager in 2003.